Lighting Your San Antonio Home for Beauty and Security


We recently undertook a project in San Antonio where the client was interested in the lighting aspects of showing the home in beautiful light but also wanted the feeling of added security. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio came up with a design that works for both. When the project was complete the client was over joyed and stated that when they drive up to the house at night, it feels great to see their beautiful house and be able to walk securely from the driveway to the front door. There are many benefits of outdoor lighting, beauty and security are two of them.

If you are interested in bringing out the beauty in your home, want added security, or both, contact us at (210)-971-8759 or email:

Another way our San Antonio LED outdoor lighting is increasing your outdoor pleasure…

Illuminating your outdoor living spaces can change the way you use your backyard at night!

Our LED outdoor lighting can change the way you use your backyard at night!

As summer draws to a close we are reminded of the precious time spent outdoors among family and friends. Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and the Hill Country we strive to make the time you and your family spend outdoors in the evening just as enjoyable as those during the day. LED is our most popular type of lighting because of all the benefits that go along with installing an LED system. These include savings in energy costs, durability and energy efficiency. However, there is an added benefit to choosing on of our LED systems that you rarely hear about.

Light fixture full of bugs

Less bugs in the yard, means less bugs to clean out of light fixtures too!

Our location, along with many other Outdoor Lighting Perspectives locations, choose Cree LED outdoor lighting for our LED outdoor lighting installations. Researchers at Cree recently stumbled upon an added benefit of this LED product that can be added to the long list of reasons using LED in the landscape is a smart choice; they discovered insects are less likely to be attracted to LED outdoor lighting than other genres of outdoor lighting!

In a story published on the Cree Revolution Blog, Gary Trott, a product development innovator for Cree LED Lighting speaks candidly speaks about how Cree LED’s can reduce the number of insects getting into your lighting fixtures, and also how using LED can reduce the amount of insects attracted to your illuminated outdoor living areas. When he set out to help develop this innovative LED, bug ingress prevention was NOT a design goal, but he quickly noticed a significant decrease in the amount of insects present in a LR6 down light installed above the door he walks through every day. After being in place for four years, the light had almost zero bugs in it! This sparked his curiosity which led to research and findings from Marianne Shockley Cruz Ph.D. and Rebecca Lindner at the University Of Georgia Department Of Entomology. The paper that details the results of this groundbreaking research is titled “Insect Vision: Ultraviolet, Color, and LED Light.” In essence, the research indicates that since insects are attracted to UV light, and Cree LEDs emit little or no power in the UV spectrum insects just aren’t interested and a  less interested bug means fewer bugs present where Cree LED’S are used, period

playing corn hole at dusk

LED outdoor lighting can ensure this game continues well into the evening!

Not only is  this news welcomed by homeowners as a way to decrease the amount of pests that interfere with outdoor living, such as the dinner party on your deck, or a game of corn-hole in the backyard on a late summer evening, it also decreases the risk of being bitten by a mosquito that could transmit an illness onto you! As of 8/12/2014, the Texas Department of State Health Services has already confirmed 16 cases of human West Nile illness in Texas this year. Any efforts to discourage coming into contact with mosquitoes, especially during the evening hours when most species feed, is beneficial.

To learn more about the many benefits of LED outdoor lighting, including our innovative LED conversions, contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and the Hill Country today (210) 971 – 8759

Please visit our landscape and garden lighting photo gallery and our deck and patio lighting photo gallery located on our website to see more examples of our LED outdoor lighting designs.



Properly maintaining your San Antonio outdoor lighting system will keep you falling in love with your home and landscape every night

beautiful Outdoor Lighting Perspectives design plan.

Remember that feeling of love at 1st sight the first evening you enjoyed your outdoor lighting system?

Do you remember how you felt the first time you saw your home, outdoor living spaces and landscape lit up after the professionals at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio  installed your system?  The effect was dramatic and chances are it made you fall  in love with your home and landscape all over again. Do you look at your outdoor lighting now and think it just doesn’t look as bright and beautiful as it did that first season? That may be true.  Although our halogen lights do have an average life of 5,000 hours, they will begin to dim slowly and you may not notice the change over time. Maintaining your  halogen outdoor lighting system involves more than just keeping it looking its best. It also keeps your system running safely night after night.

Even though our fixtures are designed to be low-maintenance, small adjustments may be necessary to get your outdoor lighting system back to its best;  back to operating at their full potential.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio offers easy options for your existing halogen outdoor lighting system:

  • First and foremost, it is important to make sure that recent storms, birds or children have not covered your outdoor lighting fixtures with mulch, leaves or anything else that can keep the heat produced from the bulbs from escaping. The lighting fixtures need to be kept free from debris that can accumulate. This will ensure safe operation of your system.
  • lens-covers-large

    Installing lens covers will keep out leaves and other debris to keep your system running safer and more efficiently.

    Installing our cost-effective optional lens covers is a great way to keep debris out.  Outdoor Lighting Perspectives plastic and glass lens covers help keep the debris from covering the bulb or from insects making nests inside the fixture.  They are easy to install and do not affect the color of the lighting.  Lens covers are a much more cost-effective than replacing a fixture due to malfunctions from obstructions.

  • San Antonio outdoor lighting maintenance

    We make sure all fixtures are correctly in place each visit as part of our maintenance program.

    Going green with LED lighting is a superb option for your system.  Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio’s LED lighting technology provides an 80% energy savings just by switching to our LED systems. Our LED bulbs, which can be retrofitted in ours and other systems, have a rated life of 50,000 hours, or an average life of 19 years. The color and illumination are undistinguishable from traditional halogen lights and many homeowners agree they prefer the LED over the halogen from an aesthetic standpoint!

  • The best way to keep your system looking and performing at it’s best  is to give us a call at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio to sign up for our thorough Annual Maintenance Plan. With this plan, we will come to your house and replace all light bulbs, repair any damaged wire, straighten fixtures, inspect the transformer, reset or check the timer, trim or adjust for plant overgrowth, and perform simple changes to enhance the effects of your lighting. Throughout the year, you receive priority response and repairs with no service charge. Your lighting system  will remain headache-free and operating beautifully.
A blend of highly energy-efficient copper and brass fixtures adorn this home

Converting your existing halogen system to LED may be easier than you think!

Keeping your halogen system looking as beautiful as the day it was installed is simple with Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio & The Hill Country. Contact us to learn more today and fall in love with your outdoor lighting all over again, night after night!

Phone: (210) 771-6080 Email:

You can see more images of our breathtaking outdoor lighting designs by visiting our outdoor lighting photo gallery located on our website.

Make 2014 the year you improve your home and landscape through professional outdoor lighting

San Antonio TX outdoor lighting

Our beneficial outdoor lighting is the New Year’s resolution that is easy to keep!

We are now well into the New Year and have put away the reminders of the holidays and are on our way to improving our lifestyles, our habits and our homes. Many of the resolutions that we made in honor of the New Year may have already came to a screeching halt and many of you may already be feeling the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle. No matter which is the case, the reality of making a change or improvement that is easily attainable is on the minds of many San Antonio homeowners and many of these encompass improving our homes and landscapes.

San Antonio landscape lighting with palm trees as focal point

Our landscape lighting can help you achieve your own tropical paradise.

Improving the aesthetic of your home and landscape is easier than you may think. By simply adding a professionally designed and installed outdoor lighting you can increase the safety, security and curb appeal of your home and property dramatically. Here is a glimpse at just a few of the many ways you can gain the most benefit at your residence…

  • Safety – Outdoor lighting adds safety to your home and landscape in a variety of ways. Lighting walkways and paths ensures your guests are able to navigate these areas safely. This includes making paths you frequent within the landscape other than just the front sidewalks visible as well, such as paths that lead to outdoor spaces like pools, patios and other recreational areas. You can also increase safety and beauty through zone lighting. Zone lighting is used to illuminate areas of your yard and landscape for nighttime use. For example, when you spend time outdoors with family and friends, you’ll need adequate outdoor lighting to illuminate your landscape areas. Zone lighting is an effective way to light a patio, deck, garden, pool area or outdoor seating area. For enhanced safety we also suggest illuminating sidewalks, driveways, garages and entryways to keep your landscape safe after dark
Architectural lighting by outdoor lighting perspectives of San Antonio

A well-lit home is a safer home.

  • Peace of Mind – A well-lit landscape and home promotes a feeling of security, alertness and proof you care about maintaining your property. When you keep your outdoor areas illuminated, you present a feeling of  involvement and pride in your home. Outdoor lighting reduces the dark areas present around your home and promotes  a sense that your are aware of your surroundings, this helps deter would-be criminals from trespassing onto your property. Outdoor lighting can maintain your peace of mind as a homeowner in knowing you are adding another layer of security to your home.
  • Beauty  – The beauty that outdoor lighting provides is reason enough to celebrate year round! A professional outdoor lighting design encompasses all the power of curb appeal by beautifying your home and landscape, and can even change your mood.
Outdoor lighting San Antonio

A well-lit home exudes with a sense that the homeowner takes pride and is aware of his/her surroundings.

  • LED Outdoor Lighting – Over half of our outdoor lighting installations here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and the Hill Country are LED. LED outdoor lighting is more energy-efficient and leaves less of an impact on the environment than other types of outdoor lighting.  It can save a homeowner thousands in energy costs over the LED’s lifetime. In addition, since they contain no glass components, they are not vulnerable to vibration or breakage like conventional bulbs and make the perfect lighting for outdoor applications. LED lights are also free of toxic chemicals. Most conventional fluorescent bulbs contain a multitude of materials such as mercury that are dangerous for the environment and make disposal dangerous. The absence of these materials will help you reduce your carbon footprint by up to a third. LED is safer in many regards too, because it generates light from cool burning technology, and it uses less wire to install properly.
Outdoor lighting Perspectives of San Antonio LED outdoor lighting

LED outdoor lighting is changing the way we view outdoor lighting.

take the plunge with outdoor lighting

Take the plunge and enjoy every aspect of your home and landscape with the addition of outdoor lighting.

A good measure of how well your lighting professional has lit your home and landscape is to watch how others respond to your outdoor lighting. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and the Hill Country can not only change the way you and others view your home and surrounding grounds, it can add elegance and refinement to the mix and change your state of mind. Learn how you can improve your home and landscape and make your home warm and inviting  just in time for the holidays! Contact us today to learn more (210) 971 – 8759

Visit our extensive outdoor lighting photo galleries including our landscape lighting photo gallery, and our architectural lighting photo gallery, located on our website today!

Get the most benefit from your outdoor lighting investment this season, and every season, with landscape lighting

San Antonio landscape lighting

This home is big on curb-appeal resulting from well-appointed architectural and landscape lighting around the home.

Most people view the holiday season as a time when the impetus of outdoor lighting design is strictly geared toward holiday lighting.  It is true that outdoor holiday lighting can add beauty to your home and landscape and enliven the holiday season, but you can also benefit from moving ahead with other genres of outdoor lighting as well. If you are looking for one of the best investments in outdoor lighting to gain long-term benefits and still enhance your holiday home, landscape lighting is among the best choice. Imagine being able to welcome your friends and family during the holiday season with a well-lit and aesthetically pleasing landscape. The possibilities that professional landscape lighting encompass are endless.

A few of the endless benefits of landscape and garden lighting include…

  •  Landscape lighting adds value to your home and property while adding the finishing touch to your landscape design. Soft washes of light will greatly boost the WOW factor of your home and landscape during all seasons.
  • Adding landscape lighting will give you the chance to show off your creativity and any unique features present on your home and landscape.
  • Adding accent lighting throughout the landscape, such as path lighting will make your yard safer for evening travel, while creating ambiance.
  • Adding landscape and garden lighting adds to your homes curb appeal.
  • Adding specialized landscape and garden lighting, such as tree lighting will add depth and mystery to your evening landscape.
  • Adding low-voltage landscape and garden lighting such as our LED lighting will save you money in operational costs over traditional outdoor lighting. Low-voltage lighting consumes about 1/3 the electricity compared to traditional systems and is more environmentally sustainable from a “green” perspective.

Another option to consider, outdoor lighting makes the perfect gift!


Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio can help you put together an unforgettable outdoor lighting package for that special someone, or even for yourself.

Is that special someone in your life always the hardest to choose a holiday gift for? If so, giving the gift of light will be the  one gift that keeps on giving all year! Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio can help you put together an unforgettable outdoor lighting package for that special someone, or even for yourself.

If you are looking for the outdoor lighting application that will give you the most enjoyment and benefit from your investment, consider landscape lighting. Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and The Hill Country to discover the best kept secret to achieving the ultimate benefit from your evening landscape.
(210) 971-8759

See more inspiring imagery by visiting our landscape and garden photo gallery located on our website today.

Just when you thought LED outdoor lighting couldn’t get any better, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio discovers an unexpected benefit of using LED in the landscape.

LED lights are long lasting, energy efficient and among the safest lights

LED lights are already deemed among the most long-lasting, energy-efficient and safest lights – now there is an added benefit.

LED outdoor lighting is among the most beneficial type of outdoor lighting a homeowner can invest in. LED lighting is more energy-efficient and leaves less of an impact on the environment than other types of outdoor lighting.  It can save a homeowner thousands in energy costs over the LED’s lifetime. In addition, since they contain no glass components, they are not vulnerable to vibration or breakage like conventional bulbs and make the perfect lighting for outdoor applications. LED lights are free of toxic chemicals. Most conventional fluorescent bulbs contain a multitude of materials such as mercury that are dangerous for the environment and make disposal dangerous. Since they contain no toxic materials and are 100% recyclable, they will help you reduce your carbon footprint by up to a third. LED is safer in many regards too because it generates light from cool burning technology, and it uses less wire to install properly.

Outdoor lighting Perspectives of San Antonio LED outdoor lighting

LED outdoor lighting is changing the way we see outdoor lighting.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and the Hill Country is the areas premiere outdoor lighting design and install firm when it comes to all genres of outdoor lighting including LED. Our location, along with many other Outdoor Lighting Perspectives locations around the country, primarily uses Cree LED outdoor lighting in our LED outdoor lighting installations. Researchers at Cree recently stumbled upon another added benefit of their LED product that can be added to the long list of reasons using LED in the landscape is a smart choice. Add the discovery of insects being less likely to be attracted to LED outdoor lighting to the already long list of good things about LED.

LED outdoor lighting attracts less insects into your landscape, including the disease carrying mosquito!

LED outdoor lighting attracts less insects into your landscape, including the disease carrying mosquito!

In a story published on the Cree Revolution Blog, Gary Trott, a product development innovator for Cree LED Lighting speaks candidly speaks about how Cree LED’s can reduce the number of insects getting into your lighting fixtures, and also how using LED can reduce the amount of insects attracted to your illuminated outdoor living areas. When he set out to help develop this innovative LED, bug ingress prevention was NOT a design goal, but he quickly noticed a significant decrease in the amount of insects present in a LR6 down light installed above the door he walks through every day. After being in place for four years, the light had almost zero bugs in it! This sparked his curiosity which led to research and findings from Marianne Shockley Cruz Ph.D. and Rebecca Lindner at the University Of Georgia Department Of Entomology. The paper that details the results of this groundbreaking research is titled “Insect Vision: Ultraviolet, Color, and LED Light.

In essence, the research indicates that since insects are attracted to UV light, and Cree LEDs emit little or no power in the UV spectrum insects just aren’t interested and a  less interested bug means fewer bugs present where Cree LED’S are used, period. The article states, “Color sensitivity in the UV spectrum plays an important role in foraging, navigation, and mate selection in both flying and terrestrial invertebrate animals.  This attraction to UV light has made insects a useful model for understanding visual sensitivity to UV light. Cree LEDs emit little or no power in the UV spectrum.  Incandescent, fluorescent, and metal halide sources emit a substantial amount of UV radiation, thus it is likely that bugs are less attracted to fixtures utilizing Cree LEDs.”

One of life’s more unpleasant chores is cleaning out dead bugs from light fixtures.

One of life’s more unpleasant chores is cleaning out dead bugs from light fixtures.

This news comes as a breath of fresh air to San Antonio homeowners where last year alone Texas had 89 deaths as a result of the mosquito-borne illness, West Nile Virus. Any means of deterring insects into the landscape, especially mosquitoes, is a huge benefit to San Antonio homeowners. Imagine being able to spend time on your deck, patio or outdoor living space not hassled by bugs, or bitten by mosquitoes in the evening?  The discovery of this added benefit to using LED also cuts down on time and money spent to maintain your outdoor lighting installations. One of life’s more unpleasant chores is cleaning out dead bugs from light fixtures. If you’ve ever emptied a pile of dead flies and moths from a fixture, you know light fixtures of all types are notorious for attracting and collecting insects. Just imagine the time you can spend elsewhere enjoying the time saved not cleaning bugs out of light fixtures annually.

To learn more about the many benefits of LED outdoor lighting, including our innovative LED conversions, contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and the Hill Country today (210) 971-8759

Please visit our landscape and garden lighting photo gallery and our deck and patio lighting photo gallery located on our website to see more examples of our LED outdoor lighting designs.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio outlines the ABC’s of LED outdoor lighting conversions

San Antonio outdoor lighting

See how LED outdoor lighting can add magic to your home and landscape for all seasons.

Have you ever looked at your outdoor lighting system and thought “I really wish I would’ve chosen an LED system instead”? This may be the case with many homeowners who either did not get on the boat with LED when they initially had their existing lighting installed, and those whose existing system was installed at a time when LED outdoor lighting was not as accessible. The good news is all is not lost. Converting your existing outdoor lighting system to LED is a viable option for many homeowners and it also means you can enjoy the many benefits of LED without having to start from square one.

Outdoor lighting Perspectives of San Antonio LED outdoor lighting

LED outdoor lighting is changing the way we see outdoor lighting.

After hearing this good news, you are probably asking where do I start? First, your system will have to be inspected to see if LED conversion is possible. Most traditional outdoor lighting systems such as halogen and incandescent can easily be converted to LED. Your outdoor lighting professional can inspect your existing system and determine if your system is a candidate for conversion. Once your system is deemed fit to undergo the conversion, you can start enjoying the many benefits of LED outdoor lighting.

Benefits of LED outdoor lighting

  • LED outdoor lighting systems consume 80-85% less energy than traditional outdoor lighting systems. This energy efficiency can be felt each time you pay your electrical bill.
  • LED outdoor lighting systems have longevity which is evident with longer lasting bulbs that need replacement less often. For example a typical halogen bulb will burn for approximately 2,000 to 4,000 hours, whereas an LED will last a whopping 50,000 operating hours!
  • LED is a green burning technology because it leaves less of a carbon footprint on the environment.  LED’s are responsible for less greenhouse gases by reduced carbon dioxide emissions. LED’s also contain no harmful chemical such as mercury that makes handling and disposal dangerous.
  • LED’s are UV free which means no ultraviolet rays which are prone to attract insects. This means using LED in your landscape, deck and patio lighting installation will give you peace of mind in not attracting  insects that can invade your outdoor living enjoyment.
  • LED’s are more durable and resilient than ordinary lighting systems. They are shock resistant, and also react better to changes in temperature, weather conditions and repeated cycling. LED’s will better withstand the demands needed by a bulb placed in outdoor situations.

    LED lights are long lasting, energy efficient and among the safest lights

    LED lights are long-lasting, energy-efficient and among the safest lights on the market.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio keeps up with the ever-improving changes in LED outdoor lighting. Over the last few years LED has become more accessible in terms of affordability and availability. It is true LED costs a little more up-front than a typical lighting system but the money you save on energy usage and bulb replacement will enable you to recoup those initial costs quickly.

If you are ready to make a change for the better, an LED conversion may be the perfect fit for your outdoor lighting needs. So what are you waiting for? Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and The Hill Country to learn more about LED conversion today. Call us at (210) 971-8759

See more examples of LED outdoor lighting hard at work by visiting our outdoor lighting galleries, including our garden and landscape lighting gallery and deck and patio lighting gallery, by visiting our website.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio looks ahead to the coming spring and focuses on the benefits of landscape and garden lighting

San Antonio TX  garden lighting in the rose garden

Landscape and garden lighting can extend the hours you can enjoy your garden.

After the holidays wind down many people set their sights on looking forward to not only the prospect of a new and improved year, but also a new spring. The appeal of springtime is universal whether you live in the far reaches of Alaska, or along the sunny shores of Hawaii. Spring signifies a renewal of the earth and presents us with a flurry of new colors to enjoy in our gardens and throughout our landscapes. San Antonio residents are lucky enough to experience the beauty of spring throughout the year, because of the absence of frigid temperatures and a constant warm climate. San Antonio’s average annual median temperature is about 70 degrees, perfect for planning and planting.  Spring is still a time when San Antonians cultivate and plan their gardens, borders and other additions to the landscape. With this in mind, planning on how to showcase those new plantings, as well as existing ones, is just as important a detail as deciding what shrubs and flowers to place in these areas.

San Antonio TX professional landscape and garden lighting

Landscape lighting enables you to enjoy areas within your landscape at night that were once only functional during the day.

The best way to amplify the beauty of your gardens and landscape is through the addition of outdoor lighting. If your garden and landscape plantings are easy on the eyes during the day, by adding garden and landscape lighting you can transform these areas into a magical space in the evening. Garden and landscape outdoor lighting is not only coveted for its aesthetic appeal but having a well-lit landscape will also enable you to take advantage of utilizing your property to its full advantage. Imagine being able to enjoy the beautiful fruits of your labor with no constraints in the beautiful rose garden that you worked so hard to cultivate. Imagine being able to play lawn games such as croquet, or horseshoes while hosting an evening barbecue for friends and family. The possibilities that professional garden and landscape lighting encompass are endless.

San Antonio tree lighting used in the landscape

The vibrant hues of this ornamental tree come to life under the spell of garden lighting.

A few of the endless benefits of landscape and garden lighting include…

  •  Landscape and garden lighting adds value to your home and property while adding the finishing touch to your landscape design.
  • Adding garden and landscape lighting will give you the chance to show off your creativity
  • Adding accent lighting throughout the landscape, such as path lighting will make your yard safer for evening travel, while creating ambiance.
  • Adding landscape and garden lighting adds to your homes curb appeal.
  • Adding specialized landscape and garden lighting, such as tree lighting will add depth and mystery to your evening landscape.
  • Adding low-voltage landscape and garden lighting such as our LED lighting will save you money in operational costs. Low-voltage lighting consumes about 1/3 the electricity compared to traditional systems and is more environmentally sustainable from a “green” perspective.

    San Antonio TX Garden and landscape lighting includes statuary lighting

    From rose gardens, to statuary, our landscape and garden lighting brings your landscape to life in the evening.

If you are ready to begin planning new additions to your San Antonio garden and landscape don’t leave out the part that will make these areas the most memorable. Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio and The Hill Country to discover the best kept secret to achieving the ultimate benefit from your evening landscape.
(830) 624 – 1300

See more inspiring imagery by visiting our landscape and garden photo gallery located on our website today.

LED outdoor lighting is the clear choice to a greener tomorrow, with Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio lighting the way

Sustainable living practices

Choices we make in regards to our home and landscapes can impact the environment from our backyard to across the globe.

In the big scheme of things, sometimes it is the little things that can really motivate and cause you to reflect about your individual role on the world around you. As I was flipping through the channels last Saturday afternoon to find something to watch on TV I ran across a movie called “Arctic Tale” which takes the viewer on the journey of a polar bear and a walrus that live in the arctic and how the impact of global warming is changing their natural habitat. After the movie was over, it made me think about my role on the environment and just how important sustainable living practices are all living things in our own backyard, down the street or even thousands of miles away .Each and every choice we make in regards to taking care of our needs and wants impacts the world on a global level. As with many facets of our lives, decisions we make in regards to our home and property can support a greener lifestyle and support sustainable living practices. Outdoor lighting is no exception.


LED Lights up close

The new outdoor living trend shows that many more homeowners are choosing to complement their home and landscape as well as make it safer and more secure through the use of  outdoor lighting. With that in mind, stunning outdoor lighting designs can be accomplished using “green” technologies that have less impact on the environment and save homeowners in electrical costs. Sustainability is defined by the capacity to endure. Which encompasses a long-term maintenance of responsibility of environmental, economic, and social aspects of the world around us. In 1993 Rosenbaum, a notable Sustainable Architect, defined sustainability clearly by “Sustainable means using methods, systems and materials that won’t deplete resources or harm natural cycles”.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio uses LED technology to deliver a “greener” approach through our outdoor lighting designs. If you are thinking of adding outdoor lighting to your home and landscape from scratch, LED is definitely the way to go. Even if you already have outdoor lighting, our LED conversion program is a viable choice by converting your existing lighting to LED. In many cases the conversion is easier than you may think, and will save you a lot of money in the long run by choosing to convert to this greener more, sustainable technology.We are easily able to convert over 90% of our customers existing systems to LED systems. If you are on the fence about choosing LED for your outdoor lighting, here is a list of reasons why LED is the clear choice…

  • Bulb Life– LED bulbs last 10 times longer than regular bulbs. Some LED bulbs can last as long as 50,000 hours!
  • Cool Burn– LED’s burn cooler than other bulbs. There is no heat-build up in relation to operating an LED bulb. This reduces the risk of overheating, damage and even fire.
  • Durability– Since LED’s contain no filament, when other bulbs would break or shatter, LED’s will hold up to more vibration, bumping or other circumstances.They also burn more efficiently in colder surroundings than other bulbs.
  • No Harm– LED’s contain no dangerous mercury that can impact the environment.
  • Efficiency– LED’s use very little energy to operate which saves you on energy costs, and makes them a sustainable choice in outdoor lighting. Less energy on your end means less impact on the world around us.
  • Beautiful– LED’s burn evenly and cohesive illuminating areas with just the right amount of light for security, safety and to promote ambiance. With a CRI ( color rendering index), rating from 80 to the mid 90’s, which means they exude a high-quality illumination on a CRI scale of 1-100 in terms of light quality.
Outdoor lighting San Antonio

This already stunning home becomes gorgeous under the spell of outdoor lighting

Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio to learn more about our LED outdoor lighting designs. Remember, that the choices we make today will impact the world tomorrow. Call us at (830) 624 – 1300 or you may email us at

Bring home the magic of the holidays with our super convenient holiday lighting program

lighted palm tree by Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

The holidays are almost here and it is time to think about Christmas lights again.

The smell of gingerbread and cinnamon is in the air. All around us are the sights, and smells of Christmas. Now is the time to start thinking about your holiday decorating. As with any cohesive interior and exterior design, professional lighting is the glue that holds everything together. With Christmas decorating, your holiday lighting can turn a nice holiday display into an amazing holiday display. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio offers a super convenient way to get a professionally designed and installed outdoor holiday lighting display, while you concentrate on the other aspects of this wonderful season.

In case you are not familiar with how a holiday lighting program works this is what our holiday lighting program entails…

Loveliest holiday lighting ever by Outdoor LIghting Perspectives

We can design, install, remove and store your magical display and let you concentrate on the reason for the season.

First we consult with you to get your input as to what style of Christmas lighting tickles your fancy. Whether your taste leans more towards old world elegance and traditional designs, or designs that are unique and full of playful whimsy, we can accommodate any style with our huge selection of holiday lighting elements. After the consultation we go to work on designing your holiday lighting display by ordering the lights needed to fill your winter wonderland. All of our lights are ordered new, not like other holiday lighting programs that recycle used lights from customer to customer, year to year. Once these lights are ordered especially for you, we then install your holiday lighting in plenty of time to enjoy many nights of awe-inspiring beauty throughout the holiday season. We can even program your lights to go on and off at specific pre-set times for you so you don’t have to lift a finger. After the holidays are over Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio will take down your holiday lights and store them in our temperature controlled warehouses until next year, when we do it all over again for you. Offering you the convenience of storage away from home will give you the gift of more storage space for other items and give you the freedom to add to your holiday lighting design as the years progress. Our holiday lighting program is the ultimate in holiday luxury, and makes the perfect gift for yourself because it is the gift that keeps on giving for years to come!

Icicle LED holiday lights by Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

This home was decorated by using LED holiday lights

Much of our holiday lighting is available in the energy-efficient LED lights as well. LED lights are eco-friendly with less impact on our environment and are long-lasting, and promote a clearer, even and  more vivid illumination than the holiday lights of Christmases past. We offer LED roofline lighting, LED string lights, Classic LED lighted wreaths and garlands and much more.

If you are ready to take the stress of your Christmas lighting this holiday season, and are tired of driving from store to store to find what you really want, contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio today and let us do the hard part for you. Happy Holidays from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio!!  Call us at (830) 624 – 1300 or send us an email @

Contact us today because our holiday lighting program is on a first come, first serve basis and spots are filling up quickly.

OLP holiday lighting 013

Dont delay contact us today to create a stunning outdoor holiday lighting design for your home and landscape this season.

To see more images of ethereal holiday lighting by Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio visit our holiday lighting photo gallery located on our website.

We represent the following wonderful Texas cities:
Adkins, Alamo Heights, Atascosa, Balcones Heights, Bracken, Bulverde, Canyon Lake, Castle Hills, China Grove, Converse, Elmendorf, Fischer, Fort Sam Houston, Garden Ridge, Grey Forest, Helotes, Hill Country Village, Hollywood Park, Hunter, Kirby, Leon Valley, Live Oak, Macdona, New Braunfels, Olmos Park, Saint Hedwig, San Antonio, Sattler, Shavano Park, Solms, Somerset, Spring Branch, Startzville, Terrell Hills, Von Ormy, Wetmore, Windcrest